Sophisticated, lazy, interesting, boring.

Your data says a lot about you.

Our group, The Friendship Group: Capstone Style analyzed the data from the flavor survey to determine what the flavors and facts say about those who filled it out. For this data set, we used only the first flavor and the fact. We then individually went through and determined if each flavor was sophisiticated or lazy and if each fact was interesting or not. While this wasn't completely scientific, we each voted separately and the majority won.

After voting, we had to clean up the data, capitalizing everything the same and formatting the .csv file so Gephi could read it. The results can be seen below.

About the data

sophisticated, lazy, interesting, boring

Flavor: Sophisticated

Mango, Marionberry, Mint

A lot of these flavors were things that are often considered 'high class' and most of them are foods/flavors that are not eaten on an daily basis.

Flavor: Lazy

Bacon, Beer, Beef Jerky

These flavors were mostly middle or low class type things, such as beer, hot dogs, etc. There was no scientific way of figuring everything out, but we went with our first thought upon reading each one.

Fact: Interesting

"Kangaroos can't hop backwards."

An interesting fact, to us, was something that either made us chuckle or was something that isn't everyday knowledge. Additionally, these facts weren't required to be true.

Fact: Boring

"I like cats."

We deemed anything that was simply put to fill in the spot or was generally uninteresting to be boring. Anything that was left blank was automatically considered to be boring.

Our Beautiful Data

Handmade... with help from Gephi... and dan (Thanks!)

Here's our gorgeous gephi imagry.

Explanation of our data

Let's break it down.

According to our data visualization, you are most-likely an interesting person if your favorite flavor is the tears of your enemy. However, if your favorite flavor is vanilla, you are not interesting and you’re lazy. If you’re a fancy pants, you like dark chocolate, lavender, and butterscotch.

Find your favorite flavor and find what it says about you!

We worked hard on this project

Be sure to share your thoughts!