

My project shows the strong correlation between a person choosing chocolate will choose a fruit, most likely a berry. Chocolate was mentioned in total of fifty times in the survey. Of those fifty times, 18 of those times the chocolate was paired with a fruit, making it the most common flavor pairing. The term fruit used in my diagram is the traditional definition of a fruit by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary— the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. By this definition I included pumpkin and blue raspberry as fruits, because squashes in botanical standards are fruit and blue raspberry which is actually a real berry from the Rubus leucodermis bush. Overall, berries were paired nine times with chocolate.

My visualization is based off of infographics which show layers, whether of the Earth, what the inside of a body looks like, layers of the atmosphere, etc. If I had more time I would have illustrated them in Photoshop, but for the sake of time I created a three part transparency. The top layer lays out the most popular berry flavors in the fruit category. The middle layer illustrates the most common fruit pairings in the chocolate category. The bottom layer shows all the possible combinations of chocolate when paired with a fruit. Individually you see what the most common pairings for individual flavors are, but together you see the strong correlation of chocolate to berries, when paired with a fruit. Individual GIF Elements