
Coding the Public Screen, Technoculture, 2015

Golden Tweet, Camera Raw; Visual Communication Quarterly, 2013

Big Argumentation? Triple C, 2013

TV Everywhere? Communication, Culture, and Critique, 2011

"Imagining Equilibirum" in linked

Managing Multiscreen, Forthcomming

#Time, forthcomming

No Touching, Bad Subjects, 2012


My definition of creative work is loose, generally refering to work that includes graphics that are not intended to be peer-reviewed articles or chapters. I am the person refered to by the IMDB entries for: Dan Faltesek and Daniel Faltesek.

Visualizing NBA Ownership, 2014

The FlavorBase

Contribute to the FlavorBase

Topic Modeling Kafka

In Progress

There is a completed draft of a book manuscript. It is good. I hope gets printed.

I have several projects in various states of peer review/completion:

If you would like to collaborate in any capacity, be in touch.


Nationally syndicated interview with the Associated Press, 2013

Interview in the Oregonian where I am on the record using the phrase "sometimes a selfie stick is just a selfie stick", 2015

I have been interviewed in quite a few newspapers and magazines, usually to explain social network phenomena. I should have maintained a better collection of these transcripts over the years.